The only way to have an accurate cost of attendance is to have the professionals at REDKEN International Academy of Style help you. A budget will be presented. The price calculator provided is only an estimate for the Cosmetology program and is not an accurate cost for the Hair design, Aesthetician, or Nail Technology programs. The price calculator does not include any scholarships.
At REDKEN International Academy of Style we take the time for you to know and understand the cost of attendance to include all Grant, Scholarship and Loan aid before you sign your contract.
Your success is our success, Enroll and discover the difference a career can make for you.
Click here for the Net price calculator / Enrollment calculator
This annual security report information is being provided as part of the International Academy of Style (IAS) commitment to safety and security on campus and is in compliance with the Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act (Clery Act).
Provide a safe and healthy work and learning environment for International Academy of Style staff and students, and visitors by being responsive to staff and students and by complying with all applicable safety and health laws, rules, regulations and standards.
1. Conduct semi-annual Safety and Risk Management meetings with a representative cross section of administration, staff and students.
2. Offer a minimum of four (4) annual safety, health or risk related training classes addressing safety and health needs.
3. Conduct an emergency evacuation or fire drill semiannually.
Continue development of the schools Risk Management program while maintaining compliance with Federal, State and Local Government guidelines.
International Academy of Style is a one story stand alone building. The perimeter of the building is well lighted as is the parking lots surrounding the building. There are no fences, shrubs, trees, or natural barriers within twenty (20) feet of the building. There are four (4) exit and entrance doors.
Well controlled and safe. There is little cause to fear break-ins as the potential gain to the burglar is limited. There is even less reason to fear staff will be confronted by a criminal.
In compliance with Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, International Academy of Style does not discriminate against qualified individuals with disabilities in the recruitment and admission of students or the recruitment of staff. We will try to assist staff or students who encounter difficulties in the classroom or workplace. If you require special accommodations or services because of a disability, please discuss your needs with the administration or admissions office. Medical information is disclosed only to those that are approved by the individual named on the medical information.
The Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act of 1989 and subsequent legislation require an institution of higher education to abide by regulations to be eligible to receive funds for any federally funded or guaranteed student loan program. It is the policy of the International Academy of Style that illicit drug use including their manufacture, sale, distribution, dispensation or possession is prohibited in the school is located. The unlawful use of drugs or abuse of other drugs and alcohol inconsistent with the behavior expected of members of the schools community. International Academy of Style is committed to the development and maintenance of a drug free environment within the school as well as an environment that prohibits the abuse of other drugs and alcohol. International Academy of Style has a drug and alcohol abuse prevention class to promote awareness of drug and alcohol abuse and health risks related to drugs and alcohol use. International Academy of Style will continue to monitor our policy by conducting a Biannual Review of the programs provided to staff and students and the overall affect of the program.
Access protocol will help to increase the safety and welfare of students, staff, visitors and properties through minimizing incidents of vandalism and theft, aiding in identifying suspicious activity and reducing the
schools exposure to liability. Posted access hours will increase the efficiency of maintenance personnel in completing duties after hours. Unauthorized access may result in disciplinary action, the summoning of civil authorities and/or the filing of criminal charges depending upon the seriousness of the incident. Each staff member that has varying hours of operation will have access to keys to the school.
The only exception to posted opening and closing hours will be for special programs or events sponsored by International Academy of Style and attended by one or more staff sponsors.
Only staff will be allowed in the facility after official business closing hours. Non-staff are to vacate the facility at closing unless working at the request of a staff member of the school.
The network is for the use of staff only. Any illegal uses of the computers will be turned over to the civil authorities. Refusal of Entry, Ejection and Requests for Identification: Any person having no legitimate business may be ejected upon failure to leave peaceably on request. All staff members of International Academy of Style have the authority to eject any unauthorized person or any person creating an unsafe atmosphere.
It is unlawful for any person to trespass on the school grounds or to damage or deface the building. A person commits an offence (criminal trespass) if that person enters or remains on property or in a building of another without effective consent and the person (1) had no notice that the entry was forbidden; or (2) received notice to depart but failed to do so. “Notice” includes oral or written communication or a sign or signs indicating entry is forbidden. Civil authorities will be called for assistance if an individual refuses to leave the premise after being asked to do so by any staff member or owner of International Academy of Style
International Academy of Style recognizes the need for a plan to evacuate the facility in a safe, orderly manner during emergency situations that may occur. This plan will include but not limited to events such as fire, chemical spills, bomb threats, explosion, or other adverse emergency situations.This evacuation plan is intended for the expeditious and orderly exit or staff, students, and general public in the event of an actual emergency. Evacuation drills will take place on a minimum of twice a year without notice.
The owners of International Academy of Style are responsible for educating all staff members and ensuring that emergency drills are scheduled on a periodic basis. Each staff member, at the time of the emergency or drill, is responsible for ensuring all students that evacuate their area are accounted for at the designated safe area. The school owners have designated an Emergency Monitor for all staff members to report to.
When the building alarm system is activated, building occupants MUST evacuate according to the evacuation plan. Each staff member must report accountability of all evacuees in their charge at the designated safe area. The designated safe areas for each exit are as follows:
• Cosmetology classroom: The front parking lot
• Aesthetician classroom: The back parking lot
• Nail Tech Classroom and dispensary: The front parking lot
• The clinic floor: Either the front or the back parking lot dependent upon where the fire is.
Staff Members that are teaching a class at the time of the emergency will immediately inform students that they are to evacuate the area by following the evacuation route noted on the evacuation posting. The staff member should be the last person exiting the room and the door must be closed upon exiting the area. Upon reaching the designated area, the staff member must account for all assigned students and report this information to the Designated Monitor.
The emergency monitor has many responsibilities. Some tasks include ensuring that the floor is evacuated, ensuring no one re-enters the facility until all-clear is given, and polling staff members to ensure that all individuals in their areas are accounted for. If this is your assignment, please review your particular responsibilities and be familiar with all exits and the best routes to be taken during an emergency. After the all clear is given Please report any problems or suggestions to the Emergency Monitor. The Emergency Monitor is required to report to the owners of International Academy of Style any problems or suggestions that have been brought to their attention and will work with the owners to make correction as needed.
In certain types of emergencies, attempts will be made to notify students. For purposes of this policy, emergencies are defined as those that involve a death, illness, injury, accident, or a threat to a student’s livelihood or property.
• A students ill or injured child requires parental consent for treatment
• A family or household member is injured or ill
• A student’s employer calls regarding a business emergency where the students job may depend on his or her response
• Student emergency messages
Determine whether or not the situation is an emergency, as defined by this policy, take the name and telephone number of the person calling
Attempt to determine the students location and attempt to deliver the message
Notify the caller as to whether the message was delivered or not.
International Academy of Style has so much to offer
We give back to the community to include charity fundraisers that the students enjoy. For example SPCA
Humane society, wounded warrior and so many others.
International Academy of Style puts on a Trunk or Treat every Halloween.
The students teachers and so many families love this event.
There is so much information about the school and the instruction.
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